If you are a beginner, in Vaposeleccion you can buy your electronic cigarette to start vaping at the best price. But before buying your electronic cigarette that best fits your consumption, you should first know what it is, what it is for and what are the main advantages it offers compared to analog and convectional cigarettes. Components of an electronic cigarette
Are electronic cigarettes less harmful than analog cigarettes? Evidently yes. It is fully demonstrated that the tobacco convectional cigarettes, have more than 4,000 chemical elements in their composition, among which we highlight as potentially toxic tar, arsenic, nitrobenzenes and cyanides among others. But it is also that the smoke of tobacco produced by the combustion of cigarettes and these chemicals generate carbon monoxide, a potentially carcinogenic agent, the main cause of high moratality due to smoking, in Spain about 70,000 deaths per year. It must be borne in mind that vaping does not produce combustion, which is vapor from the e-liquid, so the carbon monoxide disappears from the equation, as do the other 3999 chemical and toxic compounds, mostly for the organism.
Professor Michael Siegel (professor of the Department of Health Sciences of the University of Boston and many other defenders of the health of citizens) has shown that electronic cigarettes are 99% safer, that is, less harmful to health , that cigarettes made of tobacco. Several cutting-edge studies like those of Dr. Farsalinos show that the electronic cigarette is more than a problem, it is a solution. The content of the e-liquid is a mixture of propylenglycol and vegetable glycerin, used in food and pharmaceutical products, food flavorings or tobacco, water and if necessary nicotine.
That is, the only toxic that contains an e-cigarette is nicotine, any component that could be generated after vaping the e-liquid is 14,000 times lower than that which comes from a conventional cigarette, as is the case of nitrosamines. So far no one has been able to prove that vaping is so harmful to the body, for this reason are sold in pharmacies among many other things.
How does an electronic cigarette work? The electronic cigarette consists of two fundamental components, the battery and the clearomizer (e-liquid atomizer). The battery provides the voltage to light the resistance that is inside the claromizaodr (top of the electronic cigarette). This resistance “burns” the e-liquid producing steam, which is what we then aspirate through the mouthpiece of our e-cigarette. The atomizer is responsible for translating the e-liquid into steam, it is the vaporizer. To fill the e-liquid to the claromizer should always be done on its side, to prevent it from entering the central cannula where the resistance is, can be used for initiates a needle-tipped boat that facilitates further operation . Once the claromizer is filled, we can screw it to the battery, activate it if it is not, and enjoy vaping.
Way to pour the e-liquid in our electronic cigarette clearomizer
Possible cases that may occur to us if we start vaping Most eGo batteries have the “5 clicks” lock function. This means that if the button is not turned on it is because it is deactivated. Just press the power button 5 times in succession to activate it. It will proceed in the same way to deactivate it, if we are going to put our battery in a place where it could be pressed continuously. However, many of the new batteries come with an intelligent system, so that after pressing the button for 10 consecutive seconds, it ends up deactivating itself, avoiding that in our pocket, for example, we end up burning the resistance prematurely.
Another common problem is that when the battery is screwed together with the clearomizer, no steam will be produced. In 75% of cases it is due to the fact that the battery electrode is pushed inwards due to the pressure that has been exerted against the claromizer. In this case with a screwdriver we will raise the electrode gently on the top of the thread, a few millimeters. In another way and also for the same reason under the claromizador we will turn the lower spring a half turn in the clockwise direction, we can also use a screwdriver. We screw up again and the problem is usually solved. If it is not solved, it may happen that a short circuit has occurred in the resistance and for this reason it does not work.
We are going to review with images all these explanations so that they are totally clear for a correct use of our electronic cigarette and what has been its evolution since its entry into England in 2010.
How does an electronic cigarette work? The electronic cigarette consists of two fundamental components, the battery and the clearomizer (e-liquid atomizer). The battery provides the voltage to light the resistance that is inside the claromizaodr (top of the electronic cigarette). This resistance “burns” the e-liquid producing steam, which is what we then aspirate through the mouthpiece of our e-cigarette. The atomizer is responsible for translating the e-liquid into steam, it is the vaporizer. To fill the e-liquid to the claromizer should always be done on its side, to prevent it from entering the central cannula where the resistance is, can be used for initiates a needle-tipped boat that facilitates further operation . Once the claromizer is filled, we can screw it to the battery, activate it if it is not, and enjoy vaping. Possible cases that may occur to us if we start vaping Most eGo batteries have the “5 clicks” lock function. This means that if the button is not turned on it is because it is deactivated. Just press the power button 5 times in succession to activate it. It will proceed in the same way to deactivate it, if we are going to put our battery in a place where it could be pressed continuously. However, many of the new batteries come with an intelligent system, so that after pressing the button for 10 consecutive seconds, it ends up deactivating itself, avoiding that in our pocket, for example, we end up burning the resistance prematurely.
Another common problem is that when the battery is screwed together with the clearomizer, no steam will be produced. In 75% of cases it is due to the fact that the battery electrode is pushed inwards due to the pressure that has been exerted against the claromizer. In this case with a screwdriver we will raise the electrode gently on the top of the thread, a few millimeters. In another way and also for the same reason under the claromizador we will turn the lower spring a half turn in the clockwise direction, we can also use a screwdriver. We screw up again and the problem is usually solved. If it is not solved, it may happen that a short circuit has occurred in the resistance and for this reason it does not work.
We are going to review with images all these explanations so that they are totally clear for a correct use of our electronic cigarette and what has been its evolution since its entry into Spain in 2010.
Why does it give such good results to let go by reducing the habit of smoking? It is simply condensed air (vapor) mixed with liquid nicotine (we also have the non-nicotine e-liquids), tobacco extract, flavorings, vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol, necessary in the electronic cigarette to simulate the feeling that the person may be smoking. The nicotine administered according to what each person smokes is essential to control their addition (mono when quitting smoking) and the aromas of tobacco still make it look like they are smoking. The fact that a vapeador has the possibility of reducing the dose of nicotine in his e-liquid is what makes the electronic cigarette unique, because a person can gradually unhook this addict gradually and with complete freedom.
What level of nicotine is best for a smoker? Nicotine is an organic compound, an alkaloid found in the tobacco plant itself (Nicotiana Tabacum). From Vaposeleccion we recommend not vaping with high concentrations of nicotine, nor do it if you are not smoking, although it is always better to be an ex-smoker who may be in the mood to return to smoking. Taking into account that the level of liquid nicotine vaped in proportion is lower than the one smoked, we would elaborate this list based on the packs that a smoker smokes every day to choose his concentration of nicotine:
If you do not smoke cigarettes, but want to vape … always use e-liquids with 0 mg of nicotine. If you smoke about 10 cigarettes a day … use e-liquids of 4-6 mg. If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day or a little more … use e-liquids between 12-14 mg. If you smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day … use e-liquids of 18mg. According to European regulations and according to the law that was approved in December 2013 on the amount of nicotine that can be dispensed, it must not exceed a concentration of 20mgr / ml, the law will come into force in 2016. In Vaposeleccion since We do not market any e-liquid that contains a higher concentration of this and sooner rather than later we will reduce our e-liquids to a concentration per can lower than 0.2 grams per milliliter as the European standard for 2016.
What about Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin? Propylene glycol (PG) is a colorless and odorless chemical that is used as a food additive, in cosmetics and in medicines as an inert solvent or carrier.
The ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases) states on its website that propylene glycol is “generally considered a safe substance”, used as a food additive and in medicines. The PG has been used as a water-based chemical additive in asthma inhalers and in nebulizers since the 1950s, without being known to have caused any damage to the health of those who have had contact with this element. Vegetable glycerin is also used in food products and is the base where the aromas are installed that will provide the flavor and odor to the e-liquid that is chosen to vape.
Why has electronic cigarette been so successful in society? The fundamental reason is because it is a new form of “smoking” much less harmful and much cheaper. Smokers who have a tremanic addition to nicotine, have the possibility to gradually reduce this substance using electronic cigarettes and vapear their e-liquids saving an average of 75%. This is the key, a way to change the habit of smoking to vapear removing at a stroke thousands of chemical agents, carbon monoxide as there is no combustion, expelling steam with aromas and feeling of smoking, choose the concentration of nicontinas that you want and save a lot of money at the end of the year.
And this is only the beginning, little by little the electronic cigarette is getting stronger, the e-liquids are made with more quality and more sophisticated with flavors and smells impossible to match with a common cigarette, without smelly fumes, nor plague tobacco on clothes or in the house. All are advantages, only those who have tried it know. The vapor of the e-cigarette does not stick to clothes or objects or discolor the walls as the analog does, it is water vapor.
Another point in favor is that an e-cig or steam cigar can satisfy us with a couple of puffs, it is not necessary to unload an entire tank, as it happens with the conventional cigarette that has to be rushed to the maximum so that it does not cost us yet more money. In the electric cigarette you can vape less time and with less duration saving even more money.
Legislation and Regulation of the sector Currently you can vape in all public places except the headquarters of administrations dependent on the state or territorial boards, public transport, hospitals and health centers and schools and their outdoor areas for primary and ESO and playgrounds. The restrictions have been hard, but you can still vape in recreational or leisure spaces, in bars and restaurants, since vaping has nothing to vape this product that is more than a solution that a problem, should never restrict it in all public spaces as it happens with tobacco, because it is not demonstrated that the steam that is generated when vaping is toxic for other people, there is no passive vapeador but there are already studies that show that any toxic substance that could be generated when vaping would be in minor and ridiculous concentrations with which they appear in the toxic smoke that tobacco produces when combustionarse.
The electronic cigarette is discouraged its use for pregnant or even in breastfeeding, as nicotine does not stop being a drug harmful to the fetus. At least we could vapear 0 nicotine but we always recommend it in cases where the woman may be tempted to smoke or is smoking and want to rely on the e-cigarette.
Electronic cigarettes and e-liquids are prohibited for children under 18 years, including e-liquids with zero nicotine, is another of the restrictions at European level, logical because they can encourage smoking to those who have not done so far.
From Vaposeleccion we support an immediate regulation of the sector, because we believe that this product have to be sold by professionals of the sector and not in a grocery store or shoe store, firstly because it is necessary to advise the people who acquire it and secondly because it is necessary to guarantee the product that is sold, for example, you should never buy a liquid that does not come properly sealed and with the expedition and expiration of its components.